The Power of knowledge

Posted by Mathew Barber on 21st Aug 2022

Knowledge, its importance cannot be overstated. It has been said that ‘knowledge is power’ and this is without a doubt, true.

Knowledge is a key that gives access to opportunities and resources. It enables human achievement and advancement in a way that is just not possible without it. Knowledge, when put to a right use, enhances and benefits peoples lives in amazing ways.

In the last few centuries there has been an explosion of knowledge in many areas of life such as the sciences, mathematics, astronomy, art, history, and religion. Amazingly, the ancient, best-selling book, the bible, predicted this explosion of knowledge thousands of years before it happened!

The ancient prophet Daniel was told in vision concerning the end times “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Dan 12:4 The bible itself is one of the most intriguing and sought-after forms of knowledge that the world has ever seen.

There are many benefits to acquiring new knowledge such as the following:

       1. It can help you get a higher salary

       2. It can improve your confidence

       3. With it, you can make better decisions

       4. You can use it to avoid danger

       5. You can use it to benefit your family and friends

       6. It can improve your learning curve and help you avoid unnecessary problems

       7. Knowledge can make you more efficient

       8. It can make you wiser

       9. It can make you smarter

      10. It can make you a better parent

This list of benefits of knowledge is seemingly endless!

There are many different forms of knowledge. There is verbal knowledge passed on from generation to generation by various cultures. There is the internet which contains a mind-staggering amount of knowledge sent to and from different areas all over the world in binary form. Then there is experiential knowledge gained only by personally experiencing situations first hand. And there is knowledge contained in the ever-popular written word, such as books and magazines.

One thing is true for all these different forms of knowledge. It is power. It is a power for both good and for bad. It can be used for beneficial purposes or for purposes that will be harmful.

One way to ensure that we benefit from knowledge is to focus on the type of knowledge we gain and seek to acquire knowledge that is positive.

A great principle to go by is one found in the bible book ‘Philippians’ which states ‘whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things’. Phil 4:6

The possibilities for acquiring positive knowledge are everywhere.

Travel to a place you’ve never been before, learn a new skill, start a hobby, take an online class, or grow your personal library and buy some books you haven’t read.

So, empower yourself and start improving your life today. Make it your aim to acquire positive knowledge.