Christian Parenting - Raising Kids for Heaven - D Batchelor, Host Jean Ross - DVD

Amazing Facts Inc

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Product Overview

Are you a parent who desperately wants to raise your kids to resist dangerous influences? Do you want to ensure that you will spend an eternity in heaven with all your precious children? Raising Kids for Heaven, a Christian parenting seminar, will give you the tools to prepare your child for an eternity with Jesus! Help them navigate the complex temptations of life by getting the biblical knowledge you need to be a successful Christian parent. Get practical information on a variety of topics related to Spirit-filled parenting, with a special focus on spiritually and character building. Topics include: Understanding Your Parenting Style; Your Child and Stress; The Spirituality of Your Child; The Spiritual Environment of the Home; and Your Childs Health Mind, Body and Spirit. Learn to guide your children by the Spirit and watch them blossom as children of God. Each power-packed session will help you discover how to more effectively help your child grow spiritually, mentally, and physically in favor with God and with man. Featured Speakers include Neil Nedley, M.D., Cinda Osterman, Donna J. Habenicht, Ed.D. and more! Be sure every parent joins us for an extra half-hour after Amazing Adventure ends!


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