Hope For Cancer - Thrash - Agatha and Calvin Thrash M.D.s - Softcover

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HFCAN : 9780942658156
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Product Overview

Arnold and his wife checked out of the hospital and headed for the dast Alabama pinelands and the Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center. With a PSA (a measure of the antigens produced by prostate cancer) well over 200 (normal being around 0-3), Arnold had no time to lose. Upon arrival, he was given a program emphasizing three things - a total lifestyle change (details of which are found in this book), hydrotherapy treatments, and trust in Diving power. Day by day Arnold and his supportive wife practiced the principles being taught by the medical staff. And they prayed. At the end of their 17-day stay, Arnold had a PSA of 2.2. Miracles do still happen today! God blesses natural remedies with supernatual results. Filled with principles, practical experiences, and promises of God, Hope for Cancer is the result of 30 years of research and experience by the Drs. Thrash in the field of preventative medicine.


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