Last Elijah Message, The - Doug Batchelor - Softcover

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LEMES : 9781580191555
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God reserves His boldest prophets to preach messages of warning to His people, and few did it better than Elijah. He, and those who followed after him, like Elisha and John the Baptist, created a spirit of revival that awakened sleeping hearts to return to obedience ... and a coming Messiah. But the churches of today are again being ravaged by spiritual laziness and self-interest, slumbering along even as prophecy is rapidly being fulfilled. So the church must wake up now and evangelize the world to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ. In this spirit, Pastor and author Doug Batchelor, president and speaker of Amazing Facts, has collected a riveting set of essays on the keys to true revival in the church and in the hearts of its members.


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